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Add to the Filter
Filters are the list of words, phrases, email addresses and domains that identify a spam and cause Spam Crusher block email.
For example if you receive an email containing the domain "" or an email containing "free cash" that email will be blocked because those words are in the filter.
You can add to the list of filter words in several ways.
1. Click the <Filters> button on the main window.  Notice the 2 tabs at the top, From and Body. 
From filter - This filter scans the email addresses of the email you receive.  If any of the words in the From filter is in an email address of an email, that email is blocked.
Body filter - This filter scans the subject an the body of the email you receive.  If any of the words in the Body filter is in the subject or the body of an email, that email is blocked.
Note: Anyone in your Friends list that sends you email will not be filtered, no matter what.
Select the type of filter that you want to add too and click <Add>.  You will see this window.
Image offword.GIF
Type the words you want to add to the filter and click <Ok>.  This will cause Spam Crusher to filter email containing those words in the future.
In this Filters window you can also Import keywords.  Just select the From or Body filter and click Import.  Spam Crusher expects a flat text file and will assume that one word, or phrase is on a line by itself. For example,  here is what a file that you can import would look like
fast cash
Make Money Now
Hot Babes
Never work again
2. In the Inbox, right click on an email that should be spam and you will see the following menu.
Image inboxmenu.GIF
Block all Email from this email address - Many times you'll notice that the same email address will send you unwanted email over and over again.  Select this option and any email from this email address will get filtered in the future.
Block all Email from this domain - Sometimes you'll notice that the same domain will send you unwanted email over and over again using different email addresses.  For example, you could get 3 emails from the same person with different email addresses:
Select this option and any email from this domain will get filtered in the future.  In the example, all email from would be filtered.
Block all Email with words from this subject -  Let's say that you have an email in your Inbox that you know is spam because of a word or two in the subject.  Click this option and the following window will appear.
Image offword.GIF
Delete the words you are not offended by and keep the words you are.  Then click <Ok>.  Those words you selected (for example "Rough Fighting") will cause Spam Crusher to filter email containing those words in the subject or body in the future.
3. In the Trash Can you can right click on a spam and you will see the following menu.
Image trashmenu.GIF
Block all Email from this email address - Many times you'll notice that the same email address will send you unwanted email over and over again.  Select this option and any email from this email address will get filtered in the future.
Remove Filter - Let's say that you receive an email with the word 'offer' in it.  And you would like to receive emails with the word 'offer' in it.   Just click <Remove Filter>, and the word 'offer' will no longer be in the filter list and you will be able to receive emails with the word 'offer' in them.
Note: Spam Crusher automatically checks for new filters on the American Systems site every 14 days.

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