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Print Screen is the original and most popular of all Print Screen programs. One keystroke does it all! Print your entire screen by pressing the "PrintScreen" key on your keyboard. Print Screen will capture, save and/or print the contents of the entire Windows screen, or just the active window, to the printer when the "hot key" is pressed. The hot key defaults to the "PrintScreen" key, but you can define another key if you like!

Print Screen has some neat features that make it extremely easy-to-use. The "Auto Print" function will automatically print the full screen or active window whenever you press the hot key. If it's on your screen, you can print it with Print Screen. The program also has a "Print Preview" so you can see what your capture will look like before you print it.

Print Screen also has an "Auto Save" mode that allows you to set a default directory/folder where files are saved. Each time you press the hot key, the capture is saved with a unique name in the folder you specified. That makes it easy to do a lot of captures quickly. Print Screen also comes with "Live Update" so you can always have the most recent version. And, if you want even more power and options for capturing screens, text, and more, check out our Print Screen Deluxe program.

  • 'Auto Print' automatically print any full screen or window when you press the <PrintScreen> hot key.
  • 'Auto Save' automatically save any full screen or window to a GIF, JPG or BMP file when you press the <PrintScreen> hot key.
  • Print the date and time at the top of every screen print.
  • Save your screen capture to a GIF, JPG, or BMP file for importing into other software.
  • Invert the colors of the image like a photograph negative. This is useful if your screen captures use a lot of printer toner.
  • Convert the image to gray scale.
  • Configure your hot key to be whatever you want.
  • Includes Live Update
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