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Spam Crusher 1.1 Order Form and Registration
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Name     ______________________________________________
Company _____________________________________________
Address  ______________________________________________
City        ____________________________ State ______    Zip __________
Phone (______) ______-________ Fax (______) ______-________ e-mail ___________________
Important:  Is this your first product from American Systems?  (  )Yes  (  )No
_____   Number of Copies of Spam Crusher
x $19.95  = $ ____________   (TEXAS residents add 8 1/4% sales tax.)
American Express (  ), Visa (  ) or MasterCard (  ) Number ________________________________ Exp. Date ___________
Signature: _________________________________________________
Make checks and money orders payable to American Systems.
P.O.s for more than $100.00 are welcome!            Bulk pricing is available!
Call us toll free at  1-888-892-4310
Mail, or Fax your check or credit card details to : 
     American Systems
     5424 Rufe Snow #320
     Fort Worth, TX 76180
     Care of Windows Utilities Division
or Order Online at http://www.americansys.com and get the software right away!
Where did you get your evaluation copy from?
(  ) Internet
(  ) Vendor
(  ) BBS
(  ) CD-ROM
(  ) Friend
(  ) Other           Name of source ___________________________________________
Note: Prices are effective January 15, 2003 and are subject to change.  Please enclose any comments you have.

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